mardi 30 juin 2009

FANTASY NOVEL Helena 5-4 [fantasy audio books]
Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

Instead turned her eyes to the forest on the opposite side of the path, to the north. Suddenly, she seemed to discern a shape in the distance, following them. It was a shadow that appeared and disappeared intermittently; movements totally familiar to her.

"Ama!!", she cried, as she ran towards him.

"Wait for us! It's too dangerous! Don't go alone!, Constantine shouted.

Helena was already in the greenery. Behind the first thicket, she came to a small clearing, where she was overcome with shock!

During this time, the team led by Youssef and Alicia reached the cathedral, via the underground passage.

It took half an hour in a smoke filled atmosphere with almost no air to breathe to release the trap door mechanism. Their coats were covered with dust, and the smoke emanating from the burnt wood filled their lungs, their clothing, their hair and their perspiration.

In the main room, they were busy wrapping the burnt corpses of Michel Rombleau and Jacques Chatelier, in order to retain the memory of them when they were alive, and the brilliant power of the former's trombone playing and the musical exclamation points of the latter's kettledrums. They were so much more than the two lifeless masses lying on the ground.

The next task was to put out the fires and then, to ventilate the room by opening what was possible to open. It was the only way to stop the gasping for breath and the coughing. As the smoke began to die down, they discovered something enormous, which seemed to have always been there, and yet appeared to them for the first time! Speechless, they all stopped dead in their tracks in the face of this incredible revelation!

At the same moment, in the forest, Helena was looking at something that filled her with emotion. Not only was Ama, the wolf there, but behind him, was an entire pack of wolves and wolf cubs...his family!

The lively and excited young cubs wanted to come closer and play with the new arrival, but a big, totally white wolf, with his tail raised as a sign of dominance, turned his head in their direction, howling and showing his claws at the same time. The youngsters did an about face and stayed in the rear of the pack, their ears perked up as a sign of intense curiosity.

Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]

lundi 29 juin 2009

FANTASY NOVEL Helena 5-3 [fantasy audio books]
Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]

This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

A few minutes later, two separate groups were forming. The first, coming from the underground, getting ready to go back to the cathedral, and the second, consisting of Sohane, Constantine, Helena and Florianne coming from the cavern leading to the stable.

Outside, it was almost as if they were in the Bussy countryside, if it weren't for the violet colored sky and the varied shades of red and bluish gray. To the east, everything seemed darkened. The yellow color of autumn leaves gave way to dark shapes hidden by clouds of mist and fog. The trees and the ferns seemed to progressively disappear only to be replaced, in the distance, by a local species of dark bramble bushes, with long, sharp thorns that created a very hostile and natural form of barbed wire.

The exit to the cavern was located to the southwest, in a wooded area that one had to cross to reach the main east-west area where the fighting took place.

Constantine : "Am I dreaming or did I just come out with girls only?"
(flirtingly, turning to Florianne) "Hello, I'm Constantine, but you can call me, Costia."

Sohane: (upset) "Do I have to remind you that we're on patrol here, and that we're supposed to keep our eyes open?!"

Constantine : "That's just it. I opened my eyes, and hmmmm, I saw a dream walking...Florianne, right?"

Florianne : (dryly) "Yes, I'm Florianne, but I've heard all about you, so for now, let's stick to the mission. Okay?"

Constantine (showing off) "No sweat, baby. You've got me here to protect you. Stay close to me, and you'll be fine."

Florianne : (bursting out laughing) "Pff..."

Sohane : (sarcastically) "Cool. It's good to know we're really safe. That's for sure!"

As they walked, Helena asked question after question about the kidnapping of her parents, about black fortress, the ghosts, the captured musicians, Marx Igor's spells, his recent alliance with Teresa Wagner, his breeding and training of dragons, his mercenaries, and so on.

She also wanted to hear about the attack of the horsemen and the wolves, and how they had succeeded in destabilizing such a powerful army by dispersing them and by launching numerous lightning like attacks, retaining the advantage of terrain and speed. Helena wasn't interested in military strategy, but she was amazed by the courage and fidelity of the horses and the wolves. They had attacked armed soldiers and monsters ten times their size. And yet, they wreaked havoc in their lines and forced the terrible queen to retreat. Who knows how many human lives they had saved today? She hoped that one day, humans would realize the debt they owed these animals and that they would learn to respect them.

They left the wooded area and turned onto the road leading to the cathedral, on the left. The word, "road", was hardly exact. The queen's army and its dragons had transformed it into a huge path of broken and trampled on tree branches. The earth had been turned into a five meter wide stretch of black mud, with deep imprints of giant hooked paws.

On the left, the path widened even more towards the combat zones. There was burning vegetation all over, as well as dead soldiers lying on the ground, trampled, burned or totally crushed.

Helena tried as hard as she could not to look at these combat atrocities...

Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]

dimanche 28 juin 2009

FANTASY NOVEL Helena 5-2 [fantasy audio books]
Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

Helena : "Sohane! Sohane! I don't believe it!"

Helena went running into her friend's arms.

Sohane: "Ouch, not so hard. I'm a little sore, so take it easy."

Helena : "You can't imagine how glad I am to see you!"

Constantine : (complainingly) "As usual, I'm cellophane around here! Don't worry, I'm used to it."

Helena : "Incredible! You're here too, Constantine!"

She grabbed him around the neck.

Constantine : "You didn't think we were going to let you have fun all by yourself? We may not be musicians, but as far as equestrian choreography's concerned, we're pretty hard to beat."

Sohane: (looking mockingly at Costia) "Although some dances were less graceful than others."

Helena : (overjoyed) "I cant believe it! I can't believe you're here with me! I thought I was all alone, and suddenly, you two appear! It's amazing! I'm so happy! This is fantastic!"

Sohane put her arms around Helena.

Sohane: "Helena dear, don't you know how much we adore you and how wonderful we think you are. We'll always be with you."

Constantine : (to Sohane)"And we'll always be there for her too!"

Helena : (with tears in her eyes)"I'm so lucky to have friends like you."

Constantine : "I couldn't agree with you more. We are pretty classy friends."

Costia took a friendly punch on the shoulder from Sohane, whose left arm was wrapped around Helena.

Helena : (more serious)"They told me that my parents had been kidnapped. It seems they're prisoners of a certain Marx Igor and a Queen Teresa. Do you anything about it?"

Sohane: "Yes, they told us. Apparently, Teresa's soldiers captured the musicians so that Marx Igor could turn them into their phantom slaves. They're alive, but we don't know if they can be turned back into their human form."

Constantine : "That's because we haven't been able to get any of the prisoners back. In fact, there are more of them now."

Helena : "Is there anyone around you who knows about magic spells?"

Sohane: "Not really. We heard about some sort of prophecy, but nobody knows anything else about it. It's just a rumor, I guess."

Constantine : (mysteriously) "The rumor says that a cauldron filled with a boiling elixir, and seven drops of spit from a toad in heat, a lock of blonde hair from a virgin, at midnight during a full moon..."

Sohane: (furious) "Stop that!!! Why do you always have to turn everything into a joke!? We can't talk about anything serious when you're around! You're such a drag!"

Constantine : (crushed) "Okay, you're right. You were just saying, 'We don't know anything about anything..."

Sohane: (pouting) "Pff!".....(to Helena) "Helena, have you been outside yet? Let's go and have a look."

Helena : "Good idea."

Fantasy Novel [fantasy audio books]

jeudi 25 juin 2009

FANTASY STORY Helena 5-1 [audio book online]
Fantasy Story [audio book online]

This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

Although she found herself surrounded by musicians in a large common room filled with voices and sounds, Helena felt very much alone. Whenever she felt this way in the past, her comfort lay in going out looking for Ama, the wolf. When she was with him, she felt whole and in harmony with life. At this precise moment however, with her parents in great danger, and with the survivors living in an underground shelter, she missed Ama even more. How could a man have gone such a great distance in comparison to animals and in comparison to wild nature? In other places, when she would look at the sky, she shared the awe that people felt for the cosmos, for the miracle of life, and all the little impossible coincidences that tell us that God must exist. If not, how could one explain all these mysteries? How could one respond to the anguish over death, or accept the fact that we are no more than a mere speck in the universe? The price however, was great. Religions written by man for man, guardians of morality and official doctrine had wreaked havoc in the world.

Being raised in a predominantly Catholic country, Helena suffered the consequences of strict dogma which claimed that: "God created man in His own image." It drew a clear and insurmountable line between man and other living species, which were not privileged enough to have been created in God's image. The most preposterous explanations were invented to lower the worth of animals: that they had no conscience or that they couldn't speak.

And yet, irrefutable scientific proof was beginning to be found demonstrating that animals did have a conscience, and that some of them could communicate through body language, not only their desires and actions, but their intimate feelings as well, including love, joy, sadness, solitude, and many other "human" feelings. Some animals were even capable of painting, of expressing their perception of the world through shapes and colors.

If animals possessed language, a conscience and artistic expression, why then were they so often treated as inferior races which did not have the right, as humans did, to a life of happiness and freedom?

Jean-Gaêl : "This is Florianne, who watches our control screens. (to Florianne) Do we know when the riders will be back?"

Florianne : "They came back about fifteen minutes ago."

Jean-Gaêl : "Already? Are they all accounted for?"

Florianne : "I'm not sure, but I think so."

Jean-Gaêl : "I'll go see. Would you like to come, Helena? I'm going to the stable. You can see our horses."

Helena : "I'd love to!"

For Helena, this offer was like returning to life. So, there were also horses in this dark world. And if there were horses, there were also...She didn't dare hope.

Fantasy Story [audio book online]

mercredi 24 juin 2009

FANTASY STORY Helena 4-6 [audio book online]
Fantasy Story [audio book online]

This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

In the meantime, at the surface of this world of mist, eight heavily armed horsemen, wearing fireproof armor were approaching a thicket at the foot of a hill. It had always been impossible for Fire not to have walked in front of it. Each time Sohane tried, the horse would take some steps in place, salivate, and turn in all directions. It was he, in front of his companion, Presto, that was leading the pack towards the entrance to the underground passage. They came to a spot covered over with the branches of a weeping willow tree. In spite of his usual reluctance, this time Presto was only too happy to let Fire go first through this opaque screen.

The horseman had to separate the branches and at the same time lower his head as much as possible, since just behind, was the entrance to stone cavern, and it was very low. Presto was big, and Costia had to let himself slide on the flank to get through.

After going through a fairly dark entrance, they came to a beautiful and spacious stable, where straw and hay were waiting for them.

Side by side, Constantine and Sohane removed the harnessing from their horses. Costia was a little less careful and always finished ahead of Sohane. In addition, having been raised on a farm, he had been doing this all his life, and he certainly wouldn't have missed the occasion to tease Sohane for the world.

Constantine : "Hey, it seems you've got one side redder than the other."

Sohane : (busy) "Leave me alone, will you Costia?!"

Constantine : "If you ask me, the next time you attack, you ought to concentrate on your left, to balance it out. What number is your sun block? I don't think it's strong enough."

Sohane : "You're too much!"

Constantine : "Too much? You better believe it. Did you see that trench I dug when I charged full speed ahead with Presto? That was better than just too much!"

Sohane : "Okay, I've got to admit it. That was pretty good. But with Fire, we have a classier style of fighting. You see, we've got a brain. That helps. Actually, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time. Those strings on the know, they're called reins?! You can use them to turn if you want. You don't always have to go straight ahead."

Constantine : (ironically, acting dumb) "Oh, so that's what those things are for! I've got to try that one day."

He started helping Sohane by getting the hay and putting the equipment away.

Constantine : "Yeah, and with all your "classy" ducking, you're still lucky I was around to create a diversion, because if I hadn't, we'd have had barbecued Sohane for dinner! For a minute there, I felt this heat hitting my backside, like I'd been shot. Lucky for me, I was out of range, but I could really feel the heat. It was like someone had just opened the door of an oven!
Just look at how twisted the hairs on Presto's tail are."

Sohane : "Okay, thanks, but you're still not careful enough. You get too close. Speed is fine, but one day, you're gonna get into trouble running ahead like that. You should stay together with the group."

Constantine : "Oh, it's just too much danger for the little girl." (mockingly) "You've gotta stay back, play it safe. (showing off, patronizing) Combat is obviously not a girl thing, so it's only natural that you get scared."

Sohane : (incredulous) "Oh, I see. Ladies and gentlemen, we've just found the original Cro-Magnon man. Here he is!" she said pointing her finger at Constantine.

Fantasy Story [audio book online]

mardi 23 juin 2009

FANTASY STORY Helena 4-4 [audio book online]
Fantasy Story [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

A soldier ran through the sacristy.

Soldier : "Colonel Malitte, the queen has ordered you to retreat and to join her in the main room immediately!"

Col. Malitte : "But we just found the underground passage! "

Why waste time however, talking to a messenger? What's more, he had learned the hard way never to argue with an angry woman, and especially not when it was a queen who had total power over dragons, and especially her own, "Embers", a huge male reproducer weighing ten tons and measuring twelve meters in length. At his side, "Fusion", the colonel's dragon, with his five tons and six meters from head to tail, appeared almost scrawny. If only this race of dragon were able to fly. Unfortunately, they looked more like dinosaurs than flying reptiles, and if they hadn't had the ability to breathe out flaming napalm, they would be no more than the vulgar descendants of their giant prehistoric ancestors.

Teresa : (gently and expressionless) "Colonel Malitte, gather up your men and organize a retreat. But first...BURN EVERYTHING!!"

A red flash of light lit up her pupils, betraying her interior fury.

Col. Malitte : "Yes Your Majesty."

He ordered two dragoneers to line up alongside of him. They moved forward slowly along the length of the room, sweeping away everything in front of them with fire. They stopped every ten meters, since the dragons could not breathe fire continuously. They needed to salivate. For every three seconds of flames, they required about thirty seconds to reload. In front of them, all the wooden objects, chairs, musical instruments, musical scores and decorative material were being consumed. The dragons destroyed them easily, protected from the fire by their thick reptilian armor.

Fantasy Story [audio book online]

lundi 22 juin 2009

FANTASY STORY Helena 4-3 [audio book online]
Fantasy Story [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.

and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

Under the ground, the musicians were running through a fairly wide arched tunnel. The walls were a mixture of stone and earth, lit by wall lamps, which diffused a dim, yellowish light. There were cables all over and exposed, visible pipes.

Jean-Gaël Poussier, the first violinist, was leading Helena quickly along.

Jean-Gaël : "It's a very old underground tunnel which was renovated during World War I. We musicians just cleaned it and repaired a few areas. You'll see, were coming to a very pretty spot, which is where our secret meeting room is."

Helena : "How long have you been living like this?"

Jean-Gaël : "It must be about a year now."

Helena : "And my parents? Were they with you a few months ago?"

Jean-Gaël : "What are your parents' names."

Helena : "Victorio Canta, and my mother is Isolde Canta."

Jean-Gaël : "Tosca? Why of course I know her...magnificent voice, and Victorio was our maestro. Unfortunately, he tried to intervene during an attack, and both he and Tosca disappeared, probably captured by Marx Igor."

Helena : "Who is Marx Igor?"

Jean-Gaël : "A very powerful magician. He casts spells on human beings and transforms them into phantom slaves to serve him and the horrible Queen Teresa, whom you saw in action today."

Helena : "Why do they do it?"

Jean-Gaël : "Why? How can anyone know why? In any event, no great power, no great fortune, no great empire was ever built without slaves or an oppressed people. How many poor souls are needed to make one rich person? How many serfs to make one nobleman? How many workers for a wealthy entrepreneur? How many slaves for one pharaoh? Its a rule of power that's existed since the birth of humanity. So, I can't tell you why they do it. That's just the way it is. Although, it's written somewhere that we're all born equal..."

Fantasy Story [audio book online]

IT'S ART magazine news : digital art, animation, 3D, 2D, Video, Games, Software and more

dimanche 21 juin 2009

FANTASY STORY Helena 4-2 [audio book online]
Fantasy Story [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

“After them! Hurry up! Colonel Malitte, what are you waiting for? Break down the door, for heaven’s sake! And you, get them back here!”

“At your orders, Majesty. Rissard, Dermor, come with me!”

Colonel Malitte mounted his dragon and headed for the closed door of the sacristy.

“Fusion! The door! Spit fire!”

The dragon stretched his long neck backward, and with a click of his jaw, lunged his head forward, emitting a torrent of flames against the double wooden door, which caught fire immediately.
In a few seconds, the obstacle had lost all its rigidity, and Fusion, the dragon, standing on his hind legs, pushed the door with his short paws, and the door collapsed on the ground like a simple piece of burnt wood.

Inside, the room was completely empty.

“Find them! There must be a passage! We’ve got to find them! Hurry up! Hurry up!”

The soldiers invaded the sacristy, searching everywhere for the passage, but the door, upon falling, covered the opening of the trap door. The embers and smoking cinders darkened the ground, camouflaging all traces of it.

In the meantime, Teresa, who had stayed in the main room, thought she heard a howling wolf. Then came a series of shouts from the outside, the sound of paws and galloping, impacts and soldiers falling, of flying flesh, groaning, dragons breathing fire, and the constant sound of galloping, shouting and colliding bodies.

A messenger came running up to her : “Majesty, we’re under attack by knights and wolves! They’ve surrounded us!”
“Tell Commander Regvin to launch a Pteros attack!”
But Majesty, the Pteros aren’t here.”
Queen Teresa’s pupils were red with anger. She did an about face on Embers and rode outside.
“Send a messenger to Igor immediately, and tell him we must have an all out pteros attack now! Go on!”
“Yes, Majesty.”

(To herself)
“If we don’t have air support, we’ll be too divided, too dispersed. We have to regroup.”

Teresa watched the scene for a minute, and then made her decision. She turned around once again and entered the church, calling her dragoneers.
“Brusien, Formar, come inside with me.

During this time, the sacristy was smoking and devastated.

"I found something, Colonel”, Dermor shouted. “…a sort of lever.”

“Go on then, use it, soldier!”, Colonel Malitte retorted.

All at once, he felt himself being shaken, as if something were coming up out of the ground. The stone and metal trap door was beginning to open, only to be crushed by the weight of the door itself and the dragon, which was on top of it. The mechanism was blocked, and it could only open about ten centimeters.

“The passage! Go and find some crowbars, logs and rope immediately!! Get anything that can be used to lift it. And find something we can use as a hook, so I can use the dragon’s pulling power!”

Fantasy Story [audio book online]

Comics Worth Reading



jeudi 18 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 3-3 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the Orchestra of the World of Mist

After putting things in order, she went back to her piano. She was exhausted. Night was falling, and from the little window, the silhouetted trees on the hill with their long hooked branches, stood tall in the moonlight.

When she was engrossed in her music and she allowed it to take over her being, it was a huge relief, like stepping into a warm, relaxing bath. She would close her eyes, and gradually, her fingers seemed to be playing all the instruments in the orchestra. The bass, in unison with the bassoons, the cellos, and the violas, sometimes in harmony with the woodwinds and the French horns were her left hand. Her right hand was in turn, the violins, the flutes, interrupted by harps running from one end of the keyboard to the other. Then, her hands would rise and fall with all their strength. It was the turn of the kettle drums, the trombones, the tuba and the trumpets to reinforce this moment of power, this metallic brilliance, punctuated by the exploding cymbals.

It was an exhilaration of colors and sounds, like a hypnotic trance during which you had to surrender yourself in total self-abandon. Helena would feel herself being swept away as if she were falling into the void and letting herself float and be crushed in the air. With her eyes closed, she was caught up in a whirlwind of space and time, with a mixture of voices, shouts, a dark, violet colored sky and the ever increasing sound of an orchestra. It even seemed to her that her keyboard had been transformed. The instruments were no longer coming from her but from around her.

At the end of a musical phrase, she suddenly opened her eyes. She was in an immense hall, a Gothic cathedral. Behind her, a huge symphonic orchestra was playing, and in front of her, she was no longer at a piano but at an enormous church organ whose pipes were raised towards the more than ten meters high upper arches.

Free online manga [audio book online]

mercredi 17 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 3-2 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

Suddenly, she stopped. Something was not rightsomething was not right! She jumped up and went back into her room. Something was definitely not right! The furniture arrangement suddenly seemed unbearable to her. The chest of drawers wasnt in the center. She took hold of it and pushed it to the left with all her might. Then, she pulled it backtoo far to the left! She moved it a bit to the right, until it was in the center of the room. Above the sink, brushes, glasses and tubes were no longer lined up symmetrically. Helena tried a number of different arrangements, looking for the best combination possible. Then, she went to the closet and opened it. She was horrified to discover that the piles of clothing were not aligned according to size. Some were higher. Others were too big for the shelf, overlapping an adjacent area. It was intolerable, impossible. How could she continue to play music while chaos and anarchy reigned in her room? She was painstakingly balancing each pile, by height and width, when she noticed to her great dismay that one pile was still stacked up on a chair. She would have to start all over again!

Helena broke down in tears on her bed. It was too much for her. Her parents, who were no longer there, her obsessions, the voices she heard, the humiliations at school. It was all so unfair. She felt so alone, weak, and so incapable of succeeding, of gaining control of her music, of her life, of her own psyche. She was a slave to forces beyond her comprehension, which were making her unhappy. She felt crushed by a weight that was too heavy for her young fourteen year old shoulders to bear.

Ironically however, she had everything going for her. She was beautiful, tall, thin, brilliant and blessed with an extraordinary virtuosos sensitivity. When she looked at you with her big blues eyes, you couldnt help but be hypnotized by the electric intensity of her gaze. Everything about her spelled passion, and expressed an interior life that needed only a spark to create a blaze of emotions around her.

Her madness was genius. Her passion was frustration. Her entire being was suffering. All of these elements made her unique, bubbling over with life and yet, smothered by her internal demons.

Free online manga [audio book online]

mardi 16 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 2-4 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

In the meantime, Sohane was galloping on the path between the trees, which meandered up to the top of the hill.
Suddenly, Fire slid to a halt. Sohane was thrown forward, but managed to keep one hand on the pommel of her western style saddle, which prevented her from flying off of her mount.
Thirty meters further on, a big, gray trotting wolf suddenly stopped on the road and stared at Sohane and Fire, his ears pointed towards them.

Fire wasnt afraid. A lone wolf wasnt a threat for a healthy horse. And yet, an ancestral reflex told him to be on his guard and not to underestimate his possible adversary. When faced with danger, he had two weapons: his speed and his sharp, iron hoofs, capable of breaking bones as if they were matchsticks. A horse was dangerous front and back, and with Fire, an attack from the side was equally possible, since his ability to swerve around quickly was excellent. Only a surprise attack might work, which was why he remained on the alert.

Fires ears were pointing towards the wolf, but occasionally they would sway back and forth like radar. The horses view was panoramic, capable of seeing all around him except for a small angle behind. By pivoting slightly from time to time, he could control all movements in all directions. This visual acuity however, was offset by a very poor sense of distances. The wolf on the other hand, could gauge distances to the nearest centimeter, whereas the horse was always doubtful.

Moreover, the horses vision depended on the position of his head. If it was held high, he could see far, and if it was low, he could see things close up. To master all distances, he was careful to move from high to low ground as he headed for the nearby bushes.

After thirty seconds of evaluation, Wolfgang Amadeus decided to leave, slowly at first, and then at a trot. The rider on horseback was a threat and not an easy prey. It was better not to hang around.

Fire waited until the noise had subsided, and then went to the place where the wolf had stopped, looked in the direction in which he had left, and then proudly trotted away.

Free online manga [audio book online]

lundi 15 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 2-1 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

Helena was now on the road leading to her house, the last house in the village. The forest stretched out to her left, and to her right, huge fenced in gardens concealed most of the neighboring houses. She loved walking alone on this road. She imagined Beethoven walking alone for hours every day, his mind bursting with musical ideas. In his music, she found solitude, sunny, cloudy and windy walks, thunder and lightningall the ingredients that gave romanticism its emotional power.

She thought she saw a shape running through the forest. Ama, is that you? Ama! She rushed excitedly into the woods leaving her bag on the side of the road. Ama, my friend, if its you, come here! After the faint sound of leaves rustling, she saw him, a few meters away, observing her. Wolfgang Amadeus, the wolf, making sure the coast was clear and free from danger. You had to be very careful when you got close to human territory. Dont worry, Ama. Im all alone. Come to me. The big gray dark eyed wolf came closer, his ears pinned back in a sign of joy. He rubbed himself against Helena, who took him into her arms. Yes I love you Ama, are you my friend?. Ama licked her face, the way wolves do as a sign of respect and affection, while Helena caressed his earth covered fur, clumps of which would come loose, waiting for others to grow in their place. Oh, just look at all this fur. One of these days, Ill come and see you with a brush. And why are you so dirty? Youre so handsome when youre not dirty like this and your hair not falling out!
Suddenly, Ama jumped away, throwing Helena off balance. Whats wrong? Whats the matter? Then, she heard a voice some distance behind her.
Come on, shes in there I tell you! That was her bag!

Free online manga [audio book online]

dimanche 14 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 1-8 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

Sohane went to visit Fire as often as she could. If it wasn't too late in the afternoon, like today, she would go for a ride with him in the forest. Sometimes, Constantine would go with her. Today, they were both going to pay their horses a visit, but only Sohane wanted to ride.

When they reached the pasture, their horses, contrary to fiction, headed for the other end of the field. The myth of the horse galloping over to his master was invented by romantics who attributed dogs' traits to horses. A horse was always free and independent. He was willing to take you with him and follow your instructions, but to rush towards you in a vulgar display of enthusiasm, was contrary to his sense of freedom.

Horses and human beings were not of the same world. One was a predator and the other prey, with a gregarious instinct, and although they understood and respected each other, humans had to understand that they could not run after them fast enough, and if an animal ended up coming, it was only because he wanted to.

It was an amusing game in which each had his own ruse. Sohane's was fairly simple: a sack of carrots. If Fire didn't want to come, that was okay. Sohane would simply give the carrots to another horse in the pasture. Generally, Fire would seem to hesitate for a few seconds, and then slowly, with dignity, come over to her, acting as if he had come along purely by chance.

Once a rope was looped around his neck, the "contract" was official and the cooperation total... until they returned to the pasture and his halter was removed. Fire would then pretend to escape, as if to say, "Free at last. Its about time!"

After having brushed and saddled him and given him the carrots, they headed for the forest. There was no need to decide whether to gallop or not. Although Fire would have gladly obeyed her order, it was such a pleasure to let the horse decide for himself. And the decision wasn't long in coming. As soon as they came to the first straightaway, the Ferrari of the equestrian world was off and running.

Free online manga [audio book online]

jeudi 11 juin 2009

FREE ONLINE MANGA Helena 1-7 [audio book online]
Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

Presto and Fire had become close friends. There was great complicity between them as well a sense of solidarity. Fire had a more explosive personality. He was a hot blooded Spanish horse, the Ferrari of horses. His accelerations were incredibly sudden, and the rider was literally catapulted forward, crushed by the back of the saddle. Turns and stops were also pretty radical. Anyone who rode Fire had to have a fighter pilots reflexes, ready to change speed and direction in a fraction of a second. His top speeds were almost as fast as Prestos, but his small size prevented him from maintaining that rhythm for any length of time. Fire was a sprinter, not a long distance runner. Once you got used to riding him, all other horses seemed dull and lifeless. It was incredible to watch Sohane riding Fire through the forest, zigzagging as they galloped between the trees, turning almost in place, reversing directions, jumping over ditches, branches and tree trunks on the ground, splashing into the autumn puddles, climbing or descending steep hills, going through rock slides, walls of branches and thick clumps of leaves.

Their great strength was based on a perfect mutual understanding. Sohane didnt believe in mental telepathy, but it was mystifying to see how often they had the same thoughts and the same needs at the same moment, and how they shared the same emotions.
Often, Sohanes pleasure was being a simple passenger, invited by her magnificent horse on an expedition into the wild territory of his origins. On those occasions, horseback riding was no longer a human activity, but the journey of a human being into the universe of the forest. Sohane let herself be led, and she was never disappointed. Fire would take her to incredibly beautiful places teeming with life. Fire would gallop among deer, keeping in stride with them. He would surprise birds just before they took flight. He would race wild boar and invent short cuts through lush vegetation, which would slow his opponents down.

Free online manga [audio book online]

mardi 9 juin 2009

Free online manga Helena 1-6 [audio book online]

Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

The closest fields were used for horses to graze on. There were no real closed stables. Instead there were spacious shelters with ones back to the stronger winds and hay distributors for the winter. The group of five or six horses were protected from wolves by big sheepdogs who lived near the shelters. These dogs had been placed there as youngsters and were convinced that the horses were members of their family. Perhaps they thought that they themselves were just a different breed of horse.

The first field to the left, facing the gate was Fires, which he shared with Presto. Presto was a black trotter with white hooves. He was bigger than Fire and a lot calmer. This brave and experienced horse was comfortable in all situations. He had one thing in common with his mount, Constantine, and that was to avoid expending any unnecessary energy. That was what gave him a slow, nonchalant air which fooled many observers, unaware of his true athletic nature. Presto could trot or gallop almost indefinitely, but only if he was motivated, or if it was necessary. Racing Fire meant total motivation, and you could feel when he raced against Fire, that he merited his companions name. His acceleration was good, but not half as impressive as his phenomenal speed. Presto was transformed into a racehorse, with the forest as his race track. His mounts had to keep their heads down, since if a passage was low enough for him to get through, it wasnt really his problem if his rider had to leap like a Cossack and jump off to the side so as not to hit a low branch or get a clump of leaves in his face.
Free online manga [audio book online]

lundi 8 juin 2009

Free online manga Helena 1-5 [audio book online]

Free online manga [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.

and the orchestra of the world of mist

The street Sohane, Helena and Constantine were walking along continued to the left, on a path leading to Constantine Miref’s farm, where “Fire”, Sohane’s horse lived. To the right, another street led to a path on the edge of the forest, at the end of which, on the outskirts of the village, was the home of Helena Canta and her family.
The Miref farm was a big old building with heavy walls of thick stone. The inside however, was modern, with thermal floor heating, and a fully equipped modern kitchen.

The property itself was set up around a central yard, protected by an exterior wall going back centuries, where peasants would take refuge from armed attackers.
Ironically, the farm wasn’t elevated at all, but in the hollow between two hills. When it rained, the running water was diverted by large ditches that would flow into a stream where ducks and geese had made their home, and which they aggressively protected with their sharp beaks from any human or animal intruders. The only welcome intruder was a huge turkey called Hector, who made his regular rounds throughout the entire property. Like a village policeman, he made it known whose presence he did or did not approve of. His favorite victim was the postman, if the unfortunate soul happened not to be the one Hector was accustomed to. Growing old had made Hector less and less tolerant of what was not “normal” to turkeys in general, and to him in particular. A turkey that’s not angry is no problem, but if you ever had to deal Hector on a day he was in a bad mood, you’d certainly remember it, but it’s doubtful if you’d ever want to talk about it.
Free online manga [audio book online]

vendredi 5 juin 2009

Fantasy Story Helena 1-4 [audio book online]

Fantasy Story [audio book online]
This is the very unique project of music composer Stephane Meer. It is a sort of free online manga with a strong music background and lots of pictures of dragons, wolves and fantasy characters.
and the orchestra of the world of mist

The gray autumn clouds masking the light separated for a moment, and a ray of sun appeared, as if to punctuate the hope reflected in their conversation. School had ended at 3:30 and yet it was already starting to get dark. November with its shorter days was a hard burden to bear for those who thrived on daylight. The influence of light on ones morale and sense of optimism was a definite factor. It was the time of year that led to the darker months, the bitter winter cold, the dying leaves, the disappearance of insects and migrating birds that left for warmer climates, leaving everyone else behind. Too bad for those who dont know how to fly. Ciao. See you in the spring, they must have said to each other.
Winter at least, with its white snow, the quiet of the sounds it muffled, the endless number of reflecting mirrors, was dynamic. The days were short, but bright. And everything indicated that spring was coming. There was the anticipation, watching the branches eagerly for the first buds. But the autumn, with its clouds, its rain, its winds and its dismal days was the most depressing season of the year.

During the two weeks since Helenas parents had disappeared, the sky had been constantly dark and humid. Days began in the fog, followed by a thick cloud cover until night, which came faster with each passing day. Very often, the night wasnt enough to calm the wind, which continued to blow and sweep away everything in its path. The plaintive sliding scales chanted by the roofs, which suffered from the beating percussion of windows and shutters, harmonized with the tree branches shaking off their last leaves. Such was the tireless dramatic opera that nature performed every single night.
Fantasy Story [audio book online]